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Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park in south west London

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in Richmond Park

in south west London


 Isabella Plantation







 Still pond



 Still pond





Thomson's pond



Thomson's pond



Thomson's pond



 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella Plantation


Isabella Plantation is a woodland garden in Richmond Park in south west London. It is managed by The Royal Parks.


The Isabella Plantation was established in the early 19th century when Lord Sidmouth, who was Deputy Ranger of Richmond Park and a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, fenced it as an area of woodland to keep the park's deer out.[1][2] After World War II it was transformed into a woodland garden. It is now organically run, resulting in a rich flora and fauna. Opened to the public in 1953,[3] it is now a major visitor attraction in its own right.



In October 2012 it was reported that about 40 per cent of the Isabella Plantation is covered with Rhododendron ponticum, a non-native and invasive variety of rhododendron introduced by the Victorians, and that this would be removed over the next five years.


In 2014, improvements were made to the Plantation to incorporate new direction signs, wheelchair-accessible pathways and toilets and a new shelter and gazebo through a project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The works also incorporated de-silting of all three ponds in the Plantation and establishing new waterfalls in the streams, funded by The Royal Parks with contributions from the Friends of Richmond Park.




 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden




 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden






 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden




 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden




 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden




 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden




 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden



 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden




 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden



 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden


 Richmond Park 안에 있는

Isabella garden




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재즈바 원로들의 연주 -2015.5.6



 재즈바 풍경-2015.5.6


곡목은 " The water is wide"

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[ 사진과 글 ]



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